Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Used Palette 1

Oh, it starts out neat enough... colors arranged in neat little rows around the edges of the tile. Smooth center free of brushmarks. Three piles of white so you always have clean white. (This lasts about 10 minutes!)
No raw umber, no burnt umber, no burnt sienna and no black. Maybe someday I'll add them. Not just yet.
I have twelve or so of these. 12"X12" ceramic tile
email me if you have an interest. $10.00 each PLUS shipping

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Dead Little Bird on Earth Day

Sometimes it's more about the story than it is the painting and so........
I had no intention of doing an Earth Day Painting even though I was aware of it. Running to a meeting at the Starbucks in Barnes and Noble, I happened to glance down behind one of the pillars. There was a little dead bird, probably died looking for a nesting site in the neon sign above the door. Happily for birds, unhappily for the store maintence people they seem to like nesting in the "O" the best. She probably crashed into the storefront window and broke her neck. Not into bird forensics, this would be my best guess. I felt a little sad, such a perfect little thing, feathers still colorful even in death. I went into the bookstore and asked for a plastic bag. The clerk looked a little confused so I told him what it was for. "Of course I can find you a bag, but NOT a Barnes and Noble bag. So after rummaging around for a moment he came up with a plastic grocery bag. I went back outside and scooped up the bird. I went to the meeting, a brief conversation was had about the little find, one person really got why I picked her up in the first place. He asked me today if I had painted her yet, and better get to it before it gets maggots. Ok, here it is. A rather quick oil sketch, I placed the bird on the driveway near the ground cover which is in bloom with lavender color flowers, partially in sunlight. Back to the earth she goes, reduce, resuse, recycle.
6"X6" Oil on gallery wrapped stretched canvas

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Daffodils, Oil painting by Linda McCoy, Copyright 2009

So perfect soaking up sunshine on Easter morning. Thin, transparent petals and the bright greens of spring.
6"X6" Oil on masonite. $100.00
Copyright 2009 Linda McCoy

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Hydrangea's, Finished Oil Painting by Linda McCoy

Posted this painting earlier as a work in progress
16"X20" Oil on gallery wrapped stretched canvas
$300.00 contact
Copyright 2009