Friday, November 26, 2010
Pulleys, Oil Painting by Linda McCoy
You had to walk down the basement stairs and past that spooky coal bin to get to the wringer washer. If you didn’t look in, chances are no one would jump out and get you. Washing was an ordeal. Fill the washer with water, add the Cheer, add clothes and stir with a wood stick. When they were finished, pass them through the wringer at time or two; don’t get your fingers caught in the black cylindrical press. Up the basement stairs with the laundry now weighing three times what it did on the way down.
Outside days were perfect; warm sunshine, blue skies. The clotheslines were attached to the garage and the building with pulleys, so they could be pulled this way and that. The clothespins resided in a white enamel bucket. Rules were followed. Undies were hung on the inside lines, so the neighbors didn’t see them. Socks were pinned to the line by the toe, pants hung by the cuffs, sheets on the outside lines.
We couldn’t wait for the white cotton clotheslines to become worn, for they made the best jump ropes for double dutch. Twenty-forty-sixty-eighty- one, twenty-forty-sixty-eighty two, twenty-forty-sixty-eighty-three…..
Smelling of that indescribably fresh summer air, the dried clothes came off the line, were folded and brought into the house for ironing the next day.
When the Chicago winters came roaring in, the clothes were hung in the basement to dry. Dry they did, stiff as boards.
I have to grab a load of clothes out of the dryer now; the dryer sheets say they are scented with “fresh linen.” Not even close.
6"X6" Oil on canvas. copyright 2010
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Knock Out Rose, Oil Painting by Linda McCoy
These rose bushes are aptly named. We added one to the garden, and it's still blooming, although the Indian Summer days are becoming less frequent. I guess the question of what inspired me to paint it need not be asked, it speaks for itself. This little flower however, is not from our garden but from a garden center. It was posing on a cement planter. Basking in the bright sunlight of a beautiful autumn day.
8"X8" Oil on panel. copyright 2010
8"X8" Oil on panel. copyright 2010
Monday, November 15, 2010
Same Old Blues, Oil Painting by Linda McCoy
We grew Agapanthus for the first time this summer. They did quite well and I couldn't wait to paint them. I started this painting when the agapanthus were in bloom, and set it aside. It took a number of days to paint. A few years ago I became intrigued with perfume bottles, this little swan never did get painted, but it seems to have found a home with the blue flowers. The painting is named after a Freddy King song called the "Same Old Blues."
8"X8" Oil on panel
Saturday, November 06, 2010
Geri, Oil Portrait, Linda McCoy
Geri is a great lady, she is owner of the site Many women's business are featured on the Fab Over Fifty website, and she speaks to many current issues. (Not to mention free give a ways every week!) When you go to her website, be sure to check "Geri's Diary" at the top of the home page.
11"X14" Oil on canvas, Copyright Linda Mccoy 2010
Friday, November 05, 2010
David, Oil Portrait by Linda McCoy
11"X14" Oil on canvas. David is quiet, but he can sure illuminate a conversation with his sense of humor!