Friday, January 14, 2011

IceFest, Hamilton Ohio

I will be exhibiting in the Icefest in Hamilton, Ohio in the Government Services Building. This is a great event, with Ice Sculpture artists from all over the country. The sculptures will be lit at night and visitors can stroll down Main Street to view them.
I will be exhibiting with other artists, in the warmth of the Government Services Building stop by and say hello!

• When: January 21 & 22, 2011 
Opens Friday at 5:00pm til 8:00pm
Saturday: 10:00am til 5:00pm

• Location downtown Hamilton, Ohio

• Phone: 888-462-2282 or 513-844-8080 or 513-895-3934


  1. The Ice Fest sounds like such fun! Hope I remember that for next year since it seems I just missed it for 2011.

  2. It was very nice, lots of people!
