Thursday, January 03, 2013

Yoda Bear for Jack, Oil Painting by Linda McCoy

Just a little 6"x6" painting for the "Fabric Challenge" on the
I had set up a still life to paint, using a kitchen towel for fabric, but walked into Jack's bear just sitting there exactly how Jack left him. The bear seemed to fit the challenge better so I abandoned the kitchen still life I had planned to do.
I squashed the urge to re-wrap, rotate, turn upside down, fool around and otherwise try to manipulate the subject as I am guilty of doing. He sits in my favorite chair, a left over from the 90's. I still love it, even though the fabric is fading....
Critics always say don't paint sentimental things, don't over sentimentalize, don't do this and don't do that. Phooey! Who makes all these rules anyway? This painting was named by my husband, who thought he looked like Yoda all wrapped up. Jack will like the name, his favorite thing is Star Wars. He's home from school soon, I can't wait to show him.
Copyright Linda McCoy, 2013

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