Wednesday, February 20, 2013

"Dutch Treat" Oil Painting by Linda McCoy

"Dutch Treat" Oil painting by Linda McCoy
About This Painting:
oil on panel
Media: oil
Size: 8 in X 8 in (20.3 cm X 20.3 cm)
Price: $129 USD
How to Purchase: Sold

This painting took weeks of glazing with a color by Blue Ridge Artist Supplies in Ashville North Carolina. Eric hand makes all of the pigments, and this color, Cobalt Violet Pink Light is just beautiful. It's still freezing here in Ohio, but thank goodness for Fresh Market and their Dutch Tulips! Lots of fun to paint with a perspective from the top. You can see Blue Ridge Art Materials here: Yes Ottawa, this is a copyright, 2013, Linda McCoy


  1. I am looking at the worst snow storm this year and being snowed in, but when I saw your painting I automatically thought of spring. Your painting is so beautiful! I love this new color that you used - the tulips seem to glow. I also love the viewpoint!
