Monday, August 20, 2007


$100.00 Sold

7" X 7" Watercolor on Winsor Newton Paper. Many watercolor artists prefer Arches paper as it can really take a beating. If you add masking fluid as I did here to preserve whites during the initial washes, you can really scrub Arches to soften the lines between the white and the color. However, my favorite paper is Winsor Newton 140 lb cold press. When laying down washes it just seems to glow, although it will pill and tear if you scrub too hard. I laid down a wash of Winsor Red, Aureolin and Ultramarine blue. These were the primary colors throughout the painting process with the addition of Permanent Rose, and yes (!) just a light glaze of Opera on a few of the petals. The greens were mixed with Aureolin and Ultramarine blue, and at the end a few glazes of Winsor Green for a little more punch. I love working with watercolor it has a luminosity that can't be matched with oils.
If you ever have the opportunity to take a watercolor workshop with Nita Engle or Ted Minchin it is well worth the experience. Both of these artists not only combine talent and technical knowledge in their workshops, but also great spirit.

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