My daughter Bree purchased the "pumpkin tree" for me. At first I wasn't sure how to paint them since the branch is so long. I finally figured out if it was to fit on a small daily painting it would have to be shortened. Thorny little rascals, I was in a hurry to trim them so I could get them into the sunlight. Ouch! I think these are really of the eggplant family but they look like perfect tiny pumpkins. Nice variety of yellow, red orange. Hopefully it will fit into the "Orange" themed day on the Daily Painters Gallery for Wednesday. Bree, thanks for the nice surprise! I love them!
Copyright 2008 Linda McCoy
Love your colours... this a really cool painting...
Hi Linda, Your paintings are beautiful. I live in Mason and am also an artist. Were you at the Mason arts festival, there was a watercolor artist there with gorgeous floral paintings and I thought maybe it was you.
Thank you ladies! Barbara, I wasn't at the Mason arts festival this year. I've participated in the past in the Hyde Park show, Vinokolet Winery art show, Ice Fest in Hamilton and Pyramid Hill Art festival. I occasionaly teach a watercolor class, at Jennifers Main Street Gallery in Liberty township. Thanks for stopping by!
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